Ramadan Transformation Academy

For your best Ramadan yet!

Course Summary

Ramadan Transformation Academy is a one of a kind program perfect for the driven Muslimah who is determined to make the most of Ramadan as an individual and family. This course does not stop at talking about the do's and don'ts of Ramadan but it takes a holistic approach that will enable you to live a transformed life even post Ramadan. Word-to-word understanding and tafsir of the frequently recited surahs, strategies to develop khusu' in salah, habit building, seerah, and so much more.

Course Curriculum

Word-to-word understanding of the commonly recited surahs
 Detailed tafsir of the frequently surahs in salah
  Do's and don'ts of Ramadan - fundamental fiqh
 Strategies to develop Khushu' in salah
 Salah overview - clarity in steps according to sunnah
 Understanding salah (the words mentioned) to taste the sweetness of salah
  Preparation for Laylatul Qadr
 Tips helping make the most of Ramadan as a family
 Identity Transformation
  Adhkaar and du'a for Ramadan
 Habit Building  Names of Allah to incorporate in du'a
 How to make du'as more effective


very beneficial, this course was such an eye-opener, answers almost all the common questions regarding salah.. it made a difference in my salah

...it has cultivated the love of Quran and hadith and motivated me to seek more knowledge.

'... I can really see a big difference in my salah. Understanding what I'm reciting really makes a difference. Jazakallah Khair for all the slides they made it easy for me to refer to them when teaching my children...

Course Pricing

Ramadan Transformation Academy

$199 USD
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